Individuals who have been assigned to the Administrator Consultant role can perform all of the same functions as Consultants. In addition, if you have been assigned the Administrator Consultant role, you are also responsible for:
Because an Administrator Consultant can perform all of the same functions as a Consultant, the Administrator Consultant's menu is virtually identical to the Consultant's.
The one selection that is different is System Maintenance. This is what you choose to manage the users - including an indication of who will be able to produce data reports at your facility.
To manage users at your facility, you need to select System Maintenance from the Main Menu. Then, from the System Maintenance Menu, select User Maintenance.
Each person at your facility who is authorized to use ECWeb must have an active user profile in the User List that displays. Whenever you want to give a new person the ability to access ECWeb, you'll need to create a new user profile for him or her. Conversely, whenever someone is not actively involved with consultation, you'll need to deactivate that person's user profile. ECWeb users are able to modify some of the information on their user profiles themselves. But there will be times when you'll need to modify individuals' profiles as well - most often, when someone forgets their password and asks you to reset it.
Modifying a User Profile
To modify someone's user profile, you click the Edit link beside that person's name in the User List.
Besides the username and password - which we'll look at in more detail in a moment - the most important fields on a user profile are:
Role - This determines what this user will be able to do in the ECWeb program.
Active User? - This checkbox controls whether or not this user profile is active. A will not be able to log into ECWeb unless the Active User Yes radio button is selected.
Generate Reports? - This radio button controls whether or not this user will be able to generate and view summary reports of ethics consultation activity at your facility.
As usual, all fields with a red asterisk beside them are required.
Adding a New User
Let's look now at how to create a new user profile for a new ECWeb user. Sample Administrator has just started working at your facility, and you've been asked to create a new user profile that:
To create a new user profile, click the Add User/Role button.
The Add New User/Role screen is virtually identical to the Edit User screen covered previously. The most obvious difference is the Look Up button beside the NT Username field. This will be discussed in a moment. But first, let's look at how to enter the information required for a new user profile.
Remember that each user's ECWeb username must be identical to the username he or she uses to log into their computer. So you'll need to determine this individual's Windows NT username and enter it in the NT Username field. (See the Frequently-Asked Questions topic for instructions on how to look up a user's NT Username in Outlook.)
ECWeb automatically enters the default password - Password.1 - for you. So there's no need to touch the ECWeb Password field when adding a new user.
The next step is to select the user's Role - in this case, Administrator Consultant.
You want this user to be active, so there's no need to change the default Active User? selection from Yes.
Finally, this user should be able to generate reports, so you should select Yes next to Generate Reports?
All that remains to be done is to save the data you've entered. To do this, click the Save button.
When the Add User Profile screen closes, the new profile will now appear on the User List.
Assigning Multiple Roles to a User
As mentioned earlier, it is possible to assign multiple roles to one user. If you wanted to do that for this user, you would have to create a second user profile for the user and select a second role in that profile.
To assign a second role to an existing user:
Click the Add User/Role button.
Here is where the Look Up button becomes important. If a user already has a user profile in ECWeb, you can enter their NT Username and click Look Up to have ECWeb fill in most of the fields with existing information. If ECWeb finds a match for the username you entered, it will automatically fill in the name, password, and credentials fields for you.
At this point, you just need to select the additional role and assign the Active User? and Generate Reports? settings for that role by clicking the appropriate radio buttons.
Don't forget to click the Save button when you are finished.